Thursday, August 29, 2013

LCS-3. The USN tries a lower profile paint job.

You can keep putting lip stick on this ugly whore of a ship (I refuse to call it a pig, I like bacon too much) but its still totally inadequate, expensive and ill defined for the missions its being asked to undertake.

Paint will never cover up the reality that is the Littoral Combat Ship Concept.  Complete failure can never be masked...for long that is.



    Interesting, it looks like the LCS actually has a superstructure that takes up a smaller area than some frigates as well as a smaller hull overall. Would have expected it to be larger to fit in all the proposed modules. This means all the future modules are going to have to be small to fit and might affect capability. Should have provided a bit more room for growth.

    Maybe an LCS midlife upgrade might accommodate a larger superstructure.

  2. The LCS is one miserable Failure and even a Corvette ship has more firepower than the LCS.

  3. Since they aren't worth much as a warship, perhaps the Navy should sponsor a "Design the Paint Job" contest and let high school kids sail them around as a recruiting tool. Water skiing, hot dog cook-outs on the fantail, etc.
    On a more serious note, why is it that our ship designers seem incapable of designing a ship that looks, well, like a warship? I realize that most people might think "so what" but Navy ships spend way more time showing the flag than other platforms. The Burkes look decent but the LCS and Zumwalt?

    1. i agree on both counts.

      most especially the second! a warship should have a certain look. 95 percent of the time if it looks right it is right. LCS definitely doesn't look right. add to that the craziness with us sending it overseas before its ready and the USN has egg all over its face with foreign partners. if i was Singapore my confidence in the USN would go down a tad if i saw the LCS up close.

    2. If I was the captain of a Singapore frigate or Corvette, I would be laughing all the way to the bank on this one


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